
My cage setup

I use large Tupperware containers as cages. For bedding, I use flannel blankets because they are soft and warm and easy to clean as well as inexpensive. I used to use pine shaving but they got everywhere and gave my hedgies allergies and they weren't warm enough. I switched to blankets because they are super warm and my hedgies like them so much better. I clean cages once or twice a week depending on the hedgie and how messy they are.
I have all of my hedgies cages up on a rack of shelves so that they aren't on the floor in the cold and the drafts. I have Tillee in my bedroom free. She runs where she pleases at night and sleeps during the day. I like that because she gets the stimulation she enjoys and the exercise she needs. I only do that with Tillee because she is the only one who is potty trained well enough to not potty on my floor. I have wheels in the others cages so that they also exercise enough. 

My babies

Here at HGC I don't want anyone to get a little hedgie who is shy or huffy. I think that breeders sell their babies a little too early and they aren't able to learn the proper manners before they are uprooted from their home and moved somewhere new. I keep my babies until they are 3 months old so as to potty train them and teach them to enjoy baths and put up with nail-clippings. They will come to you healthy and very friendly. All of my babies are pet-only. They will not be sold for breeding purposes. They will not be registered but are eligible depending on who their parents are. Both Tillee and Kinder are registered however, Konan and Twila are not.

Dietary Needs

A hedgehog needs at least 20% protein in any food you choose to feed them and at least 10% fat in their food. I personally feed my hedgies a mixture of foods. I mix one bag of Natural Purina Cat Chow* (with added vitamins and minerals) with one bag Purina Cat Chow Complete Formula*. This provides the flavor that they love as well as the nutrition that they need. I also add one tablespoon of Brown's Hedgehog Food from Zoo Vital** to the hedgehogs food. Only to those that like it though. Kinder and Tillee do not like it but Twila and Konan do. It has meal worms and such in it that some hedgies like. 

*Can be purchased at Wal-Mart or K-Mart. Anywhere that has basic animal food. 
**Can be purchased at Pet-Smart. That's where I get it.